“Sora Jae Block. A honeymoon baby born on July 1st, 1996. A life conceived in love. One would assume a happy and cheerful life ahead, not one full of pain and isolation. “
I’ve had the honor and privilege of knowing Sora for less than a year, but it seems like at least 5 years. It really isn’t everyday you meet someone and it feels God made your souls to find one another and be friends…SISTERS practically.
When Sora opened up and let me into her world—her story, the parts where God completely changed her— I was amazed. It was a story of such REDEMPTION. A story where our Heavenly Father’s love overcame, outmatched, and rose above the pain from an earthly father.
“For years, I constantly searched for the love of a father. Seeking for approval. For validation that I AM good enough. And then, I found it. I found it in God. I came before him, absolutely broken and wounded. I had nothing to give, but He took me into His arms and called me lovely. He took me in and said He would never leave me. He has never missed a moment. “
Man, the true love of our Father. It’s something that I am, and I know a lot of us, are still growing to learn and truly wrap my head around. Psalms 103:13 says that “The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him." Our Father, our good and gracious God, is our hiding place; He will protect us from trouble and surround us with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7-8).
It’s been so amazing to look at the timeline of her life and see those moments that make you blink excessively and shake your head—because there’s no way it could’ve played out the way it did without God’s hand over it. He continues to wow me every single day with how intentional and gracious He is to us. So blessed that I get to watch front row God’s plans unfold in Sora’s life.
The story imbedded in the photos just mean so much—starting out in a dark, isolated place, but then because of Jesus, jumping into a new life of freedom, happiness, and wholeness!